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Our story


Our History as Refugees.  Our growing church consists of Bhutanese-Nepali people who fled from our homeland, Bhutan to Nepal as refugees in 1991. After 18 years in refugee camps and fruitless efforts of the United Nations to convince Bhutan to repatriate these refugees or for Nepal to allow them to permanently resettle there, the Bhutanese-Nepali people were given the opportunity for third country resettlement. Starting in 2008 around 80,000 Bhutanese Nepali people have resettled in the USA. Australia, Canada, Norway, Denmark, New Zealand and the Netherlands also agreed to accept refugees, but in much smaller numbers compared to the United States. For an in-depth look into the origin and resettlement of the Bhutanese refugees visit www.bhutanese


2008-2009. Around 200 Bhutanese-Nepali families have resettled in Kansas City since 2009. The majority of the Bhutanese-Nepali families are Hindu and Buddhist. A small number are Christian.  In 2009 we started a home fellowship with four families and have grown into a church plant of 22 families.


2014.  With the help of Westside Family Church, a large Kansas City based church, we were incorporated as a Kansas nonprofit and began operating as an official church organization.


2018. After meeting in rented space for nine years, having to move too many times to count, with the help of the Gateway Conference FMC denomination we were able to purchase an existing church building in Kansas City, Kansas that we now call home.  Through the generosity of the Gateway Conference and many others we have been able to remodel the church basement, including the kitchen and bathrooms, put a new roof on the building, construct a safe and secure playground for our children and a parking field.

Our Mission and Vision


Our mission is to be a Biblical community that exists to praise the Lord for His mighty deeds, to preach Christ and His Kingdom, to reach all of the tribes and nations, to touch the untouched, help the needy, to see the Gospel applied to life, to be a devoted disciple of Jesus, to expand God’s family and rejoice in God's Grace!


Our vision is to fulfill the Great Commission's of Jesus Christ according to Matthew 28:19-20 by faithfully proclaiming the Gospel, creating prayer cell groups, building up Christians in their faith, exposing others to the Savior Jesus Christ, training people to be true disciples of Jesus with an urgency to reach all lost souls of the Bhutanese Resettlement in all 50 states, producing more servants of God (Pastor, elders, evangelists & youths ) to send people back as missionaries to our home country to reach them with the gospel. Our prayer is to help the Bhutanese people resettle and be a good citizens of the country and participate in building missions throughout the world.

What we believe

 BNCK affirms the historic creeds of the Christian church, such as the Apostles Creed. 

The Bible - The Bible is the inspired Word of God and our final authority in all matters of faith and practice.  Therefore, all Scripture is totally true and trustworthy and we seek to fully align our church and our lives on the unshakeable foundation of God’s Word.

God - There is but one living and true God, the maker and preserver of all things. The eternal triune God reveals Himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, with distinct personal attributes, but without division of nature, essence, or being.

Jesus - Jesus of Nazareth was God in flesh, truly God and truly human. He came to save us. For us the Son of God suffered, was crucified, dead, and buried. He poured out His life as a blameless sacrifice for our sin and transgressions. We gratefully acknowledge that He is our Savior, the one perfect mediator between God and us. 

Man - God created human beings in His own image, innocent, morally free, and responsible to choose between good and evil, right and wrong. By the sin of Adam, humans as the offspring of Adam are corrupted in their very nature so that from birth they are inclined to sin.


Salvation - Christ offered once and for all the one perfect sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. No other satisfaction for sin is necessary; none other can atone.  A new life and a right relationship with God are made possible through the redemptive acts of God in Jesus Christ.



As a Great Commission Church we are committed to sharing the Good News of the Gospel within our refugee community, our neighborhood and the world.


Local Outreach - We seek to be a welcoming church creating an environment where visitors are comfortable to “come and see”. Members of the church live in the neighborhood and purposefully seek relationships with neighbors. We stay in close contact with the nonprofit agencies that are responsible for supporting new refugees in our area.

Karyam Capital – Is a separate Kansas company formed by BNCK for the purpose of supporting agricultural start-up companies in India, Nepal and Bhutan.  These companies must be committed to a “business as mission” model.  You can find more information about Karyam Capital at or .org.

Dohnavur Fellowship – Through Karyam Capital and a longstanding relationships with Pastor Reuben, BNCK seeks to pray for the work and mission of Dohnavur Fellowship in Southern India. You can find more information about Dohnavur Fellowship at

The Sending Project – Leaders of BNCK actively participate in The Sending Project.  The mission of The Sending Project is facilitating a citywide network of pastors, church leaders, ministry leaders, marketplace leaders, and others so they can, come together, learn from each other and serve alongside each other. You can find more information about The Sending Project at


Missionaries – BNCK regularly hosts missionaries and sends members to missions conferences.

Church life

Worship Services – Sundays at 10:30



Mothers prayer Fellowship  - Saturday 12:00 to 2:00 pm 


Youth fellowship - Friday 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Special Services  –  Whether it is a Christmas or Easter Special Service, a celebration of Baptism or special concerts, we are frequently gathering for music, dancing and food.  Many of our celebrations can be seen by viewing pictures in the Gallery.  Come join us!

Visit us!

The best way to learn more about our people and their faith is to come and see!  You are invited to join us for Sunday services.

Sunday Weekly Service  10:30 AM


207 N 17th St.

    Kansas City, Kansas  66102


Phone/email  (913) 713-1341 (Pastor Reuben)

Our leadership

Reuben Diyali – Pastor.  Pastor Reuben Diyali was born in Bhutan and brought up in a Hindu family. In 1984, he had bone cancer and was hospitalized for 24 months. Christians visited the hospital and preached and prayed for Reuben, and he was miraculously healed and began to follow Christ. In 1988 he married his beautiful, godly wife, Susan Diyali. Reuben and Susan have been blessed with daughters, Marika and Roshni, and a son, Ashish. They have four grandchildren.


Reuben is a bi-vocational pastor trained in teaching God’s Word.  With more than 33 years as a pastor. Reuben is gifted and experienced in caring for the spiritual and physical needs of his people.  His wife Susan is an active partner in shepherding the church.  He serves as the President of the BNCK non-profit corporation.

Kul Gajmer - Elder. Kul arrived in the US in 2011.  He came to Christ when he was 22 years old.  He owns a home repair business which he started in 2023. He met his wife, Ganga, in the 2009 and they have three beautiful daughters, Neelam, Angel and Florina.  He was living in the refugee camps when they met. They both love Jesus and volunteer together at BNCK. He serves as Vice-President of the BNCK non-profit corporation.

Bruce Scholten – Mentor Leader.  Bruce is a retired businessman who first met refugees from Bhutan in 2011 while volunteering at an ESL program in Kansas City, Kansas.  He met Reuben and his family shortly thereafter. Bruce is passionate about missions and he and his wife Wendy, have travelled to many parts of the world on missions trips and to visit missionaries.  He serves as Treasurer of the BNCK non-profit corporation.

David Queen – Mentor Leader.  David is a retired attorney who began volunteering with the Bhutanese Refugees in 2009.  David and his wife Melinda are passionate about missions and have travelled to many parts of the world on missions trips and to visit missionaries.  He serves as the Secretary of the BNCK corporation.

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BNCK welcomes anyone who wants to volunteer to help in carry out its mission.  The church consistently needs help in the following areas:

  Refugee mentoring, teaching English and tutoring.

  Building Maintenance, including cleaning, painting and repairs.

  Maintaining the exterior of the building, playground and parking lot.


If you or your church are interested in volunteering contact Pastor Reuben at (913) 713-1341 (text or call)


BNCK is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.  All gifts are tax deductible.

Gifts can be sent to the church with checks made payable to the Bhutanese Nepali Church of Kansas or BNCK.

Bhutanese Nepali Church of Kansas

207 N 17th St.

Kansas City, KS  66102

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes

Romans 1:16 (ESV)

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